Ivan's Notes: ...and very, very briefly, we get a look at a younger Drifter, barely into his teens. I wasn't actually planning on including any flashback panels at first, but I decided to do it since it makes recalling the details of his early surfing years a little more interesting.

Surfing on a real star is extraordinarily dangerous, and Drifter is actually pretty lucky to be alive, as his story indicates. There have been details about Drifter's childhood sprinkled throughout the series that suggest why Drifter would be so willing to lay his life on the line for such a sport, though with simulators as effective as the one he just played in, he would have no reason to surf on a real star again.

The identities of the other four surfers who participated in the game will be revealed in the next Galactic Drifter book alongside a few other little details regarding star surfing. The book won't be out until next year, so stay tuned for details.

Well, that's all I have this time, so see you next week, and don't forget to check out the shop!

This web site and its contents are © 2006-2009 Ivan Henley. Galactic Drifter and all of its characters, including characters' designs and likenesses, are © 2006-2009 Ivan Henley. All rights reserved.