Ivan's Notes: Things just got worse.

Now, some might jump on this as plot derailment or a cheap plot device for something coming up, or even a plain old red herring, but there's actually a point behind this. The idea here is to show that, even in outer space, sometimes things just don't go well. Life is difficult whether it's on a planet or amidst the stars, and disharmony and discontent sometimes just can't be avoided. Now, there's always a chance that these developments WILL impact the story in some way (or maybe several ways), but we'll have to wait and see what the consequences are.

We're not going to know immediately, in any case... Drifter, after recovering from this initial shock, is probably going to return his focus to Fiona and see about getting help for her. The question is, will Lisa need help, too?

That's all for this time; tune in next week, and don't forget to check out the shop!

This web site and its contents are © 2006-2010 Ivan Henley. Galactic Drifter and all of its characters, including characters' designs and likenesses, are © 2006-2010 Ivan Henley. All rights reserved.